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Got To Read

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How To Keep Your Volkswagen Alive by Christopher Boucher is one of the most imaginative, interesting and captivating books I’ve read in a very long time. The plot focuses on the relationship between a father and his son; the son happens to be a VW—yes, that’s right, a beetle car. That would normally be quite disorienting, but after ten pages, I was hooked and worrying  about the son’s diet. Boucher is a clever wordsmith who takes storytelling to the next level. The word play, unexpected developments and  mix of reality and absurdity sent me flying throughout this book. I could not put it down and am still thinking about it a month later. I wrote to Boucher and told him I needed  more of his writing asap… he’s working on novel #2 and I can hardly wait.

About yarnsista

I am a wordsmith, a fiber artist, a yogi, and a high energy, ball of fire. My glass is always half full, and I always have fifteen tasks ongoing simultaneously. Authority figures are not my friends, and I seldom color within the lines. I tend to “nest” in my cocoon-like home.

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  1. YAY!!! Signed myself up for your blog-notifications – Keep it going!


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