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Monthly Archives: July 2013

Keeping Pace with Lace

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      Lace One-Skein Wonders

101 Projects Celebrating the Possibilities of Lace

Lace One-Skein Wonders by Judith Durant (Storey Publishing) is loaded to the brim with patterns that are elegant, interesting and infectious. I kept making note of which designs I wanted to knit and soon realized that it was more than 80% of this 300 page book. Projects include hats, socks, mittens, shawls, baby items, knitting for the home, and much more.

The degree of difficulty varies from beginner to experienced. Directions are clear and the layout is user friendly. With all of the lace patterns in my stash, you’d think I had enough… but this is a book that’s I’d go out and buy right now.  Unfortunately, its publication date is September 10, 2013, so I’ll have to wait a bit.

Timing is perfect to get a head start on holiday gift projects. This book is a welcomed addition to my knitting bag. I would recommend it even it it wasn’t limited to one skein projects. It’s a winner! I will knit my way through it, and post my progress here as well as on Ravelry.

Time Out: Cape Pix

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Bike Path along Surf Drive

Bike Path along Surf Drive

Fourth of July Craziness is Gone

Fourth of July Craziness is Gone

Beach Plums.. such an unusual mixture of color and shape

Beach Plums… such an unusual mixture of color, texture, and shape

They’re Back

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For several years, we’ve been graced with a bird nest and accompanying family. It’s always in the same location: on the secure light box fixture, with the deck above for added shelter. It’s nestled close to the house in a part of the yard that’s usually quiet.

Nest with Mama and her tail feathers

Nest with Mama and her tail feathers

When their construction begins, they pull the moss from the path and leave a trail of small twigs and plant debris. I always hope they’ll find the yarn scraps I’ve purposely left behind and include them in their building– that doesn’t always happen.

Three eggs safe and sound

Three eggs safe and sound

This year they arrived late, and the whole process happened quite quickly. Before we knew it, the nest was built and eggs were awaiting. Three, to be exact.

Next, we saw little perky beaks in action. The adult birds were making regular food trips from the yard to the nest, again and again. The three were fluffy and active. Mom and Dad looked exhausted. I can relate!

Looked like one or two, but three baby birds were cuddled closely.

Looked like one or two, but three baby birds were cuddled closely.

The little ones filled the nest and finally posed for a photograph. It’s a challenge to get the camera between the underside of the deck, while getting them in focus, and having adequate lighting. Thanks to David, we got several good pix.

Born, Fed, Ready to Fly

Born, Fed, Ready to Fly

This morning we went to check on the gang, and they were gone. All that’s left is an empty nest for the next brood. In the meantime, the little birds are learning how to live out in the real world. Maybe there will be another family soon, or we might have to wait until next year. This is all so much better than reality television.

All gone...

All gone…